aka what I used to build this siteeeee...

To preface, my experience with coding is very limited/beginner. I learned html as a kid in the sense that I had one early 2000s computer class where I learned how to build a basic website about ancient Egypt with stock images and backgrounds. It's more computer education than most kids got in the turn of the millenium, perhaps less than kids could get now as they grow up in the smartphone age. However, it mostly means that I built this site by constantly google searching "how do I do ___ html/css" and is why I defer to a standard web page design with few elements/columns lol. I'm not particularly interested in getting better at coding or web design, I just wanted to build something that worked for my vision and don't mind copy-pasting things and working somewhat counterintuitively... anyway enjoy & continue to share the knowledge!

html/css guides:
neocities tutorials - if you made a neocities account you might have checked these out already?
sadgrl's guides - also great beginner guides to a number of html/css/javascript topics. I used the "Simple One-Page Blog" template for my garden log & future blog.
w3 schools, in particular, code for image grid - this is what I used to create the image grid on my drawings page. w3 is a great resource in general, and came up most often when I was searching answers to all my how-to questions lol.

misc code/things
image mapper - what I used to create the general layout of my website and make my drawings have clickable areas. I was also inspired by neocities user ohzutnon for the format of the first page!
SCM player - what I used for the music player
image dithering tool - what I used for any dithered images
glitter text generator - one of many out there

gifs - love this site lol
GifCities - also wonderful, love the Internet Archive
99GIF Shop - this ones fun too

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